
I. Famille Fabre (Languedoc-Roussillon / Corbières)
   ●Natural wines *ナチュラルワイン
   ●Parcelles Rares (single vineyard) *シングル・ヴィンヤード
   ●Special offer *スペシャルオファー
II. Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey (Bordeaux / Sauternes)
III. Catherine Papon-Nouvel (Bordeaux / St Emilion)

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I. Famille Fabre (Languedoc-Roussillon / Corbières)


We are proud to present new arrivals of some of our best-selling wines from southern France. Famille Fabre, independent winemakers since 1605, have recently reworked their lineup in various interesting and creative ways. Please explore!

Natural wines *ナチュラルワイン

1. Instant Bulle 2019 (white ‘pet nat’ sparkling)   2,600円

ファミーユ・ファーブル史上初の「methode ancestrale」スパークリングワイン。シャンパーン方式が発明される以前のスパークリングワインの製造方法で作られています。ドライかつ非常にフルーティ、エレガントなバランスで、とてもさわやかです。ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン、ピノ・ノワール、ヴィオニエを土着酵母で単一発酵させたもので、無清澄、無濾過、不揮発性です。 
Famille Fabre’s first ever ‘methode ancestrale’ sparkling wine, and it is awesome! The old way to make a sparkling wine, before the Champagne method was invented. Fully dry, very fruity, elegantly balanced, and extremely refreshing. Single fermentation of Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, and Viognier with indigenous yeasts – unfined, unfiltered, not disgorged.

2. L’Equilibre 2019(Cabernet Sauvignon vin nature)2,600円 
酸化防止剤不使用 / No added sulphur

 The latest vintage of one of our most popular selections. Completely unsulphured, fresh, fruity, very enjoyable. Unlike any other Cabernet Sauvignon you have tried! – like tasting Cabernet grapes straight off the vine.

Red special selections*赤スペシャルセレクション 

3. Château Fabre-Gasparets 2017 (AOC Boutenac red blend) 3,400円

A flagship red wine of the estate, featuring black fruits, spices, and well integrated tannins. From Boutenac, recognized as a ‘grands cru’ of the Corbières region. From old vines Carignan (whole bunch fermentation), blended with Syrah / Mourvedre. Ageing potential 8-10+ years. 

Parcelles Rares (single vineyard) *シングル・ヴィンヤード

Wines made in strictly limited quantities that express the unique character of individual parcels. All very gastronomic.

4.  Le Camin 2019(orange vin nature – IGP Pays d’Oc)4,200円

Old vines Viognier in all its glory, using carbonic maceration and no added sulphur. Raised partly in dolium (a type of amphora) and partly in acacia wood barrels. Deep gold color, skin contact adds depth but leaves no tannic footprint. Concentrated, fresh, and fruity, pronounced floral aromas. Can be aged 5-10+ years. Only 2000 bottles produced.

5. Les Amouries 2019 (rosé – AOC Corbières) 3,400円

A unique and wonderful rosé, a blend of Grenache and Mourvèdre raised three months in oak barrels for added complexity. A truly gastronomic rosé to delight sommeliers and to be enjoyed year round. With pronounced rose petal and spicy aromas, it is mineral with red fruits on the palate. And it can be aged – 5 years or more! Only 2400 bottles produced.


6. La Serre 2017 (red blend – AOC Boutenac) 4,800円 

The top red produced by Famille Fabre, La Serre is a single ‘lieu dit’ in the recognized Boutenac designation. Blend of old vines Carignan, Syrah, and Mourvèdre, 15 months in French oak for the Syrah and Mourvèdre, and several months in amphora for the Carignan. Intense nose of spices and floral aromas gives way to a rich palate with black fruits, spices, and complex tannins. Aging potential: 10+ years. Only 3300 bottles produced.

Special offer – La Serre Older Vintages*スペシャルオファー – オールドヴィンテージ
We have limited quantities of old vintages of La Serre direct from the chateau. Highly recommended!

7. Chimère La Serre 2012  (AOC Corbières-Boutenac) 5,200円

8. Chimère Boutenac 2008 (AOC Corbières-Boutenac) 6,400円

And now, once again, one of our most appreciated selections * 最後に、今回も最も評価の高いセレクションのひとつをご紹介します。 

9. Viognier Chimere 2018 (IGP Pays d’Oc) 4,200

Many of our clients have tried previous vintages of this Viognier and everybody loved it – full, rich, fat, layers of aromatic complexity. We sold out of it twice! 2018 was the last year for this wine, and we have only a limited number of bottles. Try it before it disappears!

II. Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey (Bordeaux / Sauternes)

ボルドーの著名な貴腐ワインであるソーテルヌを入手しました。伝説的なChateau d’Yquemの隣接し、ソーテルヌのトップ5生産者の1つであるChâteau Laufaurie-Peyragueyから特別にいただいたオファーです。

Château Lafaurie-Peyraugeyを購入したグループは、高級クリスタルブランドのLaliqueを所有しており、彼らはLaliqueの芸術性とこの上質なゴールデンネクターの特徴を融合させることに努めました。そのため、1928年にルネ・ラリックが制作した有名なアールデコ調の人物像がボトルに大きく描かれており、太陽の光とガラス、そしてワインの黄金色の戯れを表現しています。


We have sourced some beautiful Sauternes, the great botrytized Bordeaux sweet wine, from Château Laufaurie-Peyraguey, a neighbor of the legendary Château d’Yquem, and one of the top 4-5 Sauternes producers in its own right.

The group that bought Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey owns the luxury crystal brand Lalique and have combined the artistry of Lalique with the character of this fine golden nectar. The famous 1928 Art Deco figure ‘Femme et Raisins‘ from René Lalique features prominently, which shows off the play of sunlight, glass, and the golden color of the wine.

We encourage you to explore the fresh style that modern high quality Sauternes offers. It makes an extremely fashionable gift, or a very fine private indulgence.

10. Château Laufaurie-Peyraguey 2016(AOC Sauternes 1er Grand Cru Classé) (in wooden presentation box — 木製化粧箱入り)12,800円

2016年は素晴らしい年でした。美しい黄金色で、パイナップル、レモンやオレンジの花、トロピカルフルーツの香りが漂い、口に含むとフレッシュで甘美な甘みがあり、酸とのバランスも素晴らしい豪華な味わいです。98pt James Suckling, 97pt Jeb Dunnuck, 96pt Vinous (Antonio Galloni), 94pt Wine Advocateなどの一流評論家から高い評価を得ています。
2016 was a great year for this property. Beautiful golden color, pineapple, and orange blossom, and tropical fruits on the nose, and fresh and luscious sweetness on the palate balanced by fine acidity. A gorgeous experience. Highly rated by top critics including 98 James Suckling, 97 Jeb Dunnuck, 96 Vinous (Antonio Galloni), 94 Wine Advocate.

11. Château Laufaurie-Peyraguey 2015(AOC Sauternes 1er Grand Cru Classé)11,800円

2016年よりもやや閉じており、開いてくると、桃やネクタリン、マンゴーのタッチなどのたっぷりとした新鮮なブーケが現れ、非常にピュアで繊細なバランスの取れた豪華な味わいへと変化していきます。評論家の評価は、James Suckling 95pt、Wine Advocate 93pt、Wine Spectator 93ptなど。 
Slightly more closed than the 2016 at this point, it exhibits a generous fresh bouquet of peach and nectarine and a touch of mango giving way to a very pure and finely balanced palate of great opulence. Critic ratings include James Suckling 95, Wine Advocate 93, Wine Spectator 93.

12. Château Laufaurie-Peyraguey 2005 (AOC Sauternes 1er Grand Cru Classé) 8,600円

We brought this older vintage direct from the chateau. A good vintage of a more traditional style of Sauternes, built for ageing. This wine is packaged with the traditional label of Lafaurie-Peyraguey, prior to the Lalique-inspired design.


13. Chapelle de Château Laufaurie-Peyraguey 2016 (half bottle ハーフボトル 375ml)(AOC Sauternes 1er Grand Cru Classé)
(packaged with glass stopper in ‘trio’ case ガラス栓付き・特別な「トリオケース」でも追加料金なしで購入可能)
Individual bottle 単品3,600円
Three bottle ‘trio’ case 3本入りケース10,800円

このワインはChâteau Lafaurie-Peyragueyのセカンドワインで、価値的も非常にお手頃です。セカンドワインですが、その価値はトップに劣りません。トップワインの生産量を減らしたことで、セカンドワインにはより良いブドウが使われるようになったからです。このボトルは、黄金色を楽しむために、ガラス栓を使用しています。
This is the second wine of Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey and we recommend it highly for value! As the chateau reduces production of its top wine, better and better grapes make their way into the second wine. It really is very good! We offer these half bottles with glass stoppers to enhance the play of light, glass, and golden liquid. An ideal indulgence for spring season!

III. Catherine Papon-Nouvel (Bordeaux / St Emilion)


We are great fans of winemaker Catherine Papon-Nouvel, a pioneer of biodynamic viticulture in St Emilion. Her wines can be difficult to find, even in France, but we now have limited amounts of three labels we can offer you.


14. Chateau Gaillard シャトー・ガイヤール 2016(AOC St Emilion Grand Cru)4,500円

20haに及ぶ本家の所有地から、樹齢50年以上のブドウを使用。 粘土質と砂質の混ざった土壌から育った、約70%のメルローと約30%のカベルネ・フランをブレンドしています。力強く明るいガーネット色の前に、トーストとコショウのようなスパイスの甘 い香りが漂います。味わいは、ビロードのようなタンニンの繊細なテクスチャーとメルローの滑らかさが調和しています。繊細でエレガントな味わい。
From the main family property, from vines that are 50 years old or more.  Blend of approximately 70% Merlot and 30% Cabernet Franc from a mixture of clay and sandy soils. Intense, bright, garnet-color precedes a sweet nose, with aromas of toast and peppery spices. On the palate, a fine texture of velvety tannins blends with the unctuousness of the Merlot. Subtle and elegant.

15. Petit Grâvet Ainé プティ・グラヴェ・エネ 2015(AOC St Emilion Grand Cru)8,600円

From a very small 2.3 ha estate making about 7,000 bottles a year. Unusual blend of 80% Cabernet Franc and 20% Merlot gives a St Emilion wine of very high quality and unusual character. A very atypical blend from vines of 70+ years on sandy soils, a new discovery in St Emilion.

16. Clos St Julien クロ・サン・ジュリアン 2016(AOC St Emilion Grand Cru)10,600円

From a tiny 1.2 ha estate making 2,500 bottles a year. With such a small production, this wine is very difficult to find. Farmed biodynamically, with great attention to the health of the land and the vines. Clos St Julien is an unusual St Emilion blend – 50% Cabernet Franc and 50% Merlot from 80+ year old vines.

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