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Below is a selection of wines from Spain and Portugal that are ideal for summer. Lots of lighter styles, but also a few more powerful items for your barbecue needs!
We also highlight one of our producers, Marcio Lopes, who had a three page spread in Winart magazine in June. A very innovative producer who creates wines of great freshness and character. He is a winemaker to watch.

🍷 Sparkling

1. Marcio Lopes Ancestral pet nat 2020
Portugal / Vinho Verde / no sulphur additions
– a petillant naturel (pet nat) wine, lightly sparkling with some lees in the bottle, an excellent example of this very trendy category. This represents the old method for making sparkling wine before the Champagne method was invented.

2. Real Companhia Velha Espumante Bruto 2013
Portugal / Douro
– a very highly evaluated Champagne method sparkling wine. Made from a rare mature parcel of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in the Douro region.
🍷 White – Vinho Verde(Portugal)

3. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Loureiro Escolha 2018
Portugal / Vinho Verde
– a light and refreshing fruity white for summer, with a light touch of residual sugar that leaves a sense of sweetness on the palate.

4. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Alvarinho 2018
Portugal / Vinho Verde
– from the heart of the best region for the Alvarinho grape variety, presenting citrus aromas, crisp acidity, and good mouthfeel.

5. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos ‘Moda Antiga’ Superior 2018
Portugal / Vinho Verde
– a top quality blend of two grape varieties (Alvarinho and Arinto) fermented with skin contact to make a light and pleasant orange style wine. The green tannins make a good match with umami-laden shellfish and many other exotic and spicy foods. Micro production volume (<2000 bottles made).

6. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Vinhas Velhas Loureiro 2019
Portugal / Vinho Verde
– a tiny production (926 bottles) of low yielding old vines Loureiro raised in second use Puligny-Montrachet barrels. This one is very popular, try it while it lasts!
🍷 White – Douro

7. Quinta do Romeu Reserva White 2014
Portugal / Douro / organic
– an enjoyable old vines Douro white field blend from a very remote location near the Spanish border. About 10 grape varieties in the blend.

8. Marcio Lopes Permitido DOC Douro Branco 2017
Portugal / Douro
– a single variety (Rabigato) painstakingly picked from a mixed old vines parcel. A wine with lots of citrus, crispness, and freshness.

9. Marcio Lopes Permitido Centenaria 2019
Portugal / Douro
– another tiny production (1200 bottles) white field blend from an ancient plot planted in 1896 (120+ years old vines). Beautifully balanced, ethereal, very special.
🍷 White – Rias Baixas

10. Bodegas Albamar / Albamar 2016
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas
– winemaker Xurxo Alba’s flagship Albariño cuvée, made from over 50 tiny parcels located next to the Atlantic Ocean. Pronounced mineral and saline character makes this wine ideal for umami-laden fish and shellfish.

11. Bodegas Albamar / Finca O Pereiro 2016
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas
– a limited cuvée of Albariño from one of Xurxo’s finest parcels right next to the Atlantic Ocean. Some malolactic fermentation moderates the acidity and adds creaminess. Wonderful balance in this wine.

12. Bodegas Albamar / Alma de Mar 2014
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas
– a pure, intense, steely Albariño micro-cuvée, made from a single parcel only a few steps from the Atlantic Ocean. Strong mineral and maritime character for real Albariño lovers.

13. Bodegas Albamar / Pepe Luis 2016
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas
– winemaker Xurxo Alba’s favorite parcel right next to Alma de Mar. Here he produces an Albariño micro-cuvée raised in oak barrels and foudres for added depth and complexity. A real hedonist’s delight.
🍷 Rosé

14. Rubiejo Rosado 2017
Spain / Ribera del Duero
– a fruity Tempranillo-based rosé with some punch – can stand up to food with richer texture and spice.

15. Quinta do Romeu Rosé 2015
Portugal / Douro organic
– an easy drinking organic rosé, with lots of bright fruit and balance! Just a few bottles left of this one.
🍷 Lighter Red

16. Adega Sameiras / Sameiras Tinto 2014
Spain / Galicia-Ribeiro
– a very light red blended from indigenous grapes using biodynamic techniques, Forest notes on the nose, soft red fruits dominate the palate.

17. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Tinto Atlântico 2019 Edição Especial
Portugal / Vinho Verde
– a tiny production (<2000 bottles) of a rare red made right in the heart of Alvarinho country! From an old legacy parcel planted in 1937. A glimpse of both the history and future of this region. A wine with Marcio’s characteristic expression of fruit and freshness, you will want to drink the whole bottle! Blend of Cainho, Pedral, and Alvarelhão varieties.

18. Bodegas Albamar / Fusco 2016
Spain / Galicia-Ribeira Sacra
– a fine rustic wine from the Mencia grape on the steep slopes of Ribeira Sacra. Dominated by red fruits and forest elements, with a character somewhere between a lighter style of Pinot Noir and Nebbiolo.
🍷Red – Douro (Portugal)

19. Marcio Lopes ANEL Tinto Reserva 2019
Portugal / Douro
– easy drinking blend of Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional grape varieties, showing both black and red fruits and the freshness characteristic of this producer.

20. Marcio Lopes Proibido Tinto Grande Reserva 2019
Portugal / Douro
– another tiny production, this beautiful old vines blend of 15 varieties originates from a high altitude parcel in the Douro Superior region. A wine of medium body, with black fruits and floral elements, and with great elegance and freshness.
🍷 Red – Ribera del Duero (Spain)

21. Rubiejo Barrica 2015
Spain / Ribera del Duero
– a fruity Tempranillo from an artisanal maker in the heart of the Ribera del Duero region, very easy to drink and very food-friendly. Great value in its category.

22. Rubiejo Crianza 2011
Spain / Ribera del Duero
– a step up in quality from the Barrica wine, this selection is fuller bodied, richer, and with greater complexity. An ideal go-to selection for summer barbecue.

23. Rubiejo ‘Evolucion’ 2015
Spain / Ribera del Duero
– a full and rich expression of pure Tempranillo that develops great depth and complexity to match your finest meat and grilled dishes, hard cheeses, and game dishes.


🍷 スパークリング

1. Marcio Lopes Ancestral pet nat 2020
Portugal / Vinho Verde / no sulphur additions

2. Real Companhia Velha Espumante Bruto 2013
Portugal / Douro
🍷 白・ヴィーニョ・ヴェルデ(ポルトガル)

3. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Loureiro Escolha 2018
Portugal / Vinho Verde

4. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Alvarinho 2018
Portugal / Vinho Verde

5. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos ‘Moda Antiga’ Superior 2018
Portugal / Vinho Verde

6. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Vinhas Velhas Loureiro 2019
Portugal / Vinho Verde
🍷 白 – ドウロ

7. Quinta do Romeu Reserva White 2014
Portugal / Douro / organic

8. Marcio Lopes Permitido DOC Douro Branco 2017
Portugal / Douro

9. Marcio Lopes Permitido Centenaria 2019
Portugal / Douro
1896年に植えられた古い区画(樹齢120年以上)の白 畑のブレンドで、もう一つの小さな生産量(1200本)です。美しいバランス、エーテル、非常に特別。
🍷白 – リアス・バイシャス

10. Bodegas Albamar / Albamar 2016
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas
ワインメーカーのXurxo Albaが大西洋に隣接する50以上の小さな区画から造るアルバリーニョのフラッグシップキュヴェ。ミネラルとヨードの特徴が顕著で、うま味のある魚介類に最適なワインです。

11. Bodegas Albamar / Finca O Pereiro 2016
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas

12. Bodegas Albamar / Alma de Mar 2014
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas

13. Bodegas Albamar / Pepe Luis 2016
Spain / Galicia-Rias Baixas
ワインメーカーのXurxo AlbaがAlma de Marのすぐ隣にあるお気に入りの区画で、より深みと複雑さを出すためにオーク樽とフードルで育てたアルバリーニョのマイクロキュヴェを生産しています。まさに快楽主義者のためのワインです。
🍷 ロゼ

14. Rubiejo Rosado 2017
Spain / Ribera del Duero

15. Quinta do Romeu Rosé 2015
Portugal / Douro organic
かなりシンプルなワインですが、明るい果実味が多く、バランスも良く、とても飲みやすいワインです! こちらは残り数本です。
🍷 軽めの赤

16. Adega Sameiras / Sameiras Tinto 2014
Spain / Galicia-Ribeiro
– 土着品種をバイオダイナミック農法でブレンドした非常に軽い赤、森の香り、柔らかい赤い果実が味わいを支配しています。

17. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Tinto Atlântico 2019 Edição Especial
Portugal / Vinho Verde
– アルヴァリーニョの国の中心で造られる極小生産量(2000本未満)のブレンド赤ワイン 1937年に植樹された古いレガシー区画から。この地域の歴史と未来の両方を垣間見ることができます。マルシオらしい果実味とフレッシュさが表現されたとても素晴らしいワインで、ボトルごと飲み干したくなることでしょう。カインホ種、ペドラル種、アルバレルハオ種をブレンドしています。

18. Bodegas Albamar / Fusco 2016
Spain / Galicia-Ribeira Sacra
– リベイラ・サクラの急斜面にあるメンシア種から造られる、非常に繊細で素朴なワインです。赤い果実と森の要素が特徴で、ピノ・ノワールとネッビオーロの軽いスタイルの中間のようなキャラクターを持つ。
🍷 赤 – ドウロ (ポルトガル)

19. Marcio Lopes ANEL Tinto Reserva 2019
Portugal / Douro

20. Marcio Lopes Proibido Tinto Grande Reserva 2019
Portugal / Douro
🍷 赤 – リベラ・デル・ドゥエロ(スペイン)

21. Rubiejo Barrica 2015
Spain / Ribera del Duero

22. Rubiejo Crianza 2011
Spain / Ribera del Duero

23. Rubiejo ‘Evolucion’ 2015
Spain / Ribera del Duero