
- 各福袋にはワインが3本入っています。
- 白ワイン、赤ワイン、ミックスワインの3種類からお選びいただけます。
- 3つの価格帯(松竹梅)からお選びいただけます。
松 ¥15,000
竹 ¥12,000
梅 ¥ 9,000 - ご希望により、スーパープレミアム福袋やスペシャルセレクション(スパークリング、オーガニック、酒精強化ワイン等)もご用意可能です。ご要望欄にご記入ください。
- 通常定価の15-20%OFFの価格でのご提供となります。価格は税込み、日本国内への配送料込みです。(沖縄北海道離島は追加料金がかかります)
- 同じセットを複数ご希望の場合は、ご要望欄に複数注文の旨をご記入ください。
ご注文用紙 Order Form
2024 Lucky Bag

- Each lucky bag contains three bottles of wine.
- You can choose between white wine, red wine and mixed wine.
- You can choose from three price ranges (pine, bamboo and plum).
Pine ¥15,000
Bamboo ¥12,000
Plum ¥9,000 - Super Premium lucky bags and special selections (sparkling, organic, fortified wines, etc.) are also available on request. Please indicate in the request box.
- Prices are approximately 15-20% off the normal list price. Prices include tax and delivery within Japan. (Additional charges apply for Okinawa and Hokkaido islands.)
- If you would like more than one set of the same set, please indicate in the request box that you would like to order more than one.
We always have other products available, such as artisanal wines from Portugal, France and Spain, and fine olive oil from the Douro region of Portugal. Please feel free to contact us for more information.